
38 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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the melodies are great! to be apt, they're very spacey and consonant. i think the solo sounds good, nothing flashy but just enough to propel the song. i feel like 1:07 there could have been a longer pause with some reverb

Broccoplant responds:

Thank you so much! I was and still am kind of iffy on the solo but I think I'll brush that off as creator's curse. I agree about the pause and have attempted, pre-posting, to re-adjust the timings a little but I couldn't seem to get anywhere with it.

the harmony is nice, although as with your latest upload the production is quite lacking. i also feel like structurally this could be less repetitive, maybe introduce some breaks or new melodies

Broccoplant responds:

I was thinking the same thing when I was adding finishing touches but I didn't have the energy to do all that so I just finished the song. I may make a re-done version later when I am better at production. I made this song around a year ago so my music making skills were... less than fortunate. Thank you so much for the feedback!

it's alright. i feel like the main thing that is hampering this song is production quality. i don't know what this beepbox fork is capable of but from what i've seen it isn't a lot, and i know something like this would benefit from more powerful synths and software. the melodies are nice, maybe a little repetitive, although the break at 0:52 sounds a bit empty, i feel like there could have veen a muted bassline there. same with the percussion. overall it's not bad!

Broccoplant responds:

Thank you! I will look back at the song when I get the time and see if I can't make a re-attempt version on a dif software maybe? I agree with you about the synths and the break is quite empty. It was intentional but I have no doubt that it wasn't executed well. Thanks for the feedback!

awesome stuff! kind of reminds me of squarepusher's "stor eiglass"

EDIT: also "rayc fire 2" from the same album

Preds responds:

Thank you! And yeah, I hear the similarities, neat stuff too :)

incredible :)

lilith93 responds:

took me a while to get this right :) Thanks!

amazing remix of my favorite spaze song! maybe in some places, like the buildup and breakdown, the glitches have slightly off rhythmic placement or are a bit too loud, but i think everything else about the song makes up for it. the key change in the later half and alternate melody in the second drop are sublime! great work, hopefully this blows up

gdWoowoo responds:

Oh wow! I'm really glad to hear that you liked it, especially since I haven't gotten much feedback since putting this up. Listening to the glitches again, I think they probably could benefit from being quieter or more rhythmic; it's something I can now keep in mind for future tracks.

i really like the egyptian theme here, although some of the acoustic/multisampled instrumentation sounds a bit robotic. also pico's voice is a bit too loud in the mix; the way some of its component samples are distributed sound a bit strange rhythmically. the tempo shift halfway through is really cool though, and so is the sidechained supersaw pad in the beginning of that part. lastly i feel like some sections could be trimmed a little bit in terms of length, i don't think this had to be nearly seven and a half minutes

TheMusicalManiac responds:

Honestly I respect that you want it shorter. Were it anyone else, they'd probably ask it for longer. I originally began with the idea that it was going to be a boss theme remix without the extras but then I went with the extras anyway. The reason why Pico's vocals are a bit on the louder side is due to the volume of everything else so its tricky to manage...trust me I had to deal with the finickiness of the thing...and yeah. It does sound kinda weird hearing it back, but I think it makes it unique. Thank you for the feedback, from one musician to another! Really appreciate it <3

cool song! admittedly the harmonies in the beginning and the arp that follows it are a bit hard to follow functional harmony-wise, but the instrumentation sounds pretty neat. at some point in the future you could also work on your mixing as well, this sounds a bit flat atm

TheMusicalManiac responds:

Yeahhh this one I kinda cheaped out on right away lmao. I was in such a hurry to get this out in my excitement that I kinda underlooked the thing. I'll probably come back to this track in the future to fix it up a bit. Thanks for your review, I appreciate it!

the remaster of "aimless wandering" and the space song are very solid, i like them! had you still had the projects to them i'd say they need more polish, but that's not possible anymore is it?

TheJayJay responds:

thanq yuo and unfortunately not unless I just somehow am able to replicate them from the ground-up. With the Untitled Space Demo I very much plan on remaking it as it's part of someone else's project.

cool idm/dnb! i really like the chiptuney instrumentation and cute but thoughtful melodies. the tempo switchup and spoken word near the end is really cool

you could've titled it "MSEG", then it could refer to the synth envelope standard

good luck in the contest!

2keg responds:

the og project title was "MSG Supplements" but thats not even a thing

Hopes. Aspirations. Dreams. Daydreams. Nightmares. Pain. Insanity. Fantasy. Hypnagogia. Emotion. Humanity.
vekoN is based in Durant, Oklahoma.
pfp by @lunar48 / qosmik

vekoN @vekoN


Durant, OK, USA

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