
38 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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i'm here from your thread :)

very intriguing sound you have here! the upbeat track interspersed with the spooky sound effects are especially captivating. it does get quite loud in parts, which i'm sure was intentional

did you make all this yourself? if so that's awesome!

Moth-Bee-Chameleon responds:

I used various samples found in my music folder to make this. Main melody is the theme of the first boss of the 6th main Touhou game.

my state! ...yeah

the noisy riser is very appropriate for a tornado-themed song! and i like the key change halfway through. of course this song has its flaws, but considering this is three years old now i'm sure you've learned how to minimize them by now :)

50Steaks responds:

Thanks for reviewing! This song is ancient so of course it’s not gonna be up to par for 2024. When I started I was hoping for a lot of my fans to be people who searched their home state on NG and came across me as their top search result, and it looks like that’s what happened lol. But of course, the series is done now, so you’d probably enjoy my newer stuff a lot more
I don’t think this song has a key change, though I can see how it might be confusing

i love this melodic bassline in the drop! the timbre of the basses are really cool too; i really like the wavering quality of the melodic bass, kind of like crying like hzboychik said. the interspersed piano and choir are very pretty as well!

i think "illusion" is a very appropriate name for this song; i'm getting a very mystical quality from the melodies and harmonies

4KKoRD responds:

Thank you! Your feedback is really important for me! I glad you loved this track!

really cool! my only two real critiques are 1. the short length, and 2. that the timpani-like short noise bursts sound a little lifeless. i'd maybe vary up/humanize their pattern or maybe do faster triplets or some other kind of tuplet. the melodies and timbres of the instrumentation, especially the chip lead and epiano, are really nice!

the mixdown sounds alright as well, a little dulled, but i think that'd be appropriate for the mood the song is conveying. overall, great job!

Dynamic0 responds:

Thanks for feedback! It was hard for me to find some good ideas in the third part, but I understand your point, I'd also prefer if it was longer. The timpani-like noise is a part of noise drums, which I put there only because regular drums were too much energic. The mixing was a challenge, although I could've made it a bit better. Once again, thanks for the review!

apache break my beloved

also the screechy sound at the beginning and throughout is really cool! albeit maybe a bit too loud. it reminds me of daft punk's "rollin' and scratchin'". the tempo increase at 1:14 is genius, i love that part

Latadenata responds:

That's a good catch on the amen break I used!

I'm glad you liked it, I appreciate it a lot, thank you! <3

really pretty melody, i enjoy its development. although considering how saturated this is, i feel like the peak volume could be turned down a bit. also there's a really bad ring around 500hz(?) that needs to be addressed

EpsilonOmega5 responds:

Thank you!

the bassline is awesome (both in melody and the timbre), and as said before i like the unique cymbal loop

the sound effects throughout help cement the atmosphere, although maybe the speech samples could have been placed more... discreetly? maybe they stick out a little too much in the arrangement

Creeperforce24 responds:

Thanks, yeah for something like this I will admit they seem a bit out of place. I was mainly trying to focus on the Sega aspect (which I succeeded) and @taintedlogic’s advice (which I have a good feeling I failed, again), but your right, they could be a bit more discreet, except for that scream that sounds like a banshee, that was meant to be loud.

delicious bitcrushing, the ambient pads in the background sound really cool for their dissonance

Jojo responds:

Thank you very much!

do volkswagen next pls

CompXsco responds:

maybe if i do a second dem cars album

cute and contemplative

Creeperforce24 responds:

Thank you! This was made back when I didn’t know what the fuck a compressor was!

Hopes. Aspirations. Dreams. Daydreams. Nightmares. Pain. Insanity. Fantasy. Hypnagogia. Emotion. Humanity.
vekoN is based in Durant, Oklahoma.
pfp by @lunar48 / qosmik

vekoN @vekoN


Durant, OK, USA

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