i saw your thread, here's some thoughts!
overall, yeah i do agree that this is a bit weak in sound design and mixing terms. there's a lot of empty space in the mix and arrangement, for instance 0:18 which consists of only a sub bass with nothing in the high end and the predrop vocal which has nothing to really back it up or follow it. in mixing terms the midrange feels a bit lacking; a eq boost of like 1-2db around 1500hz should help, but i'd also recommend eq'ing the basses individually or finding a new sound to put in that range. lastly everything feels quite loose and not very glued together; a saturator, clipper, or compressor with moderate settings will tighten up the mix and introduce some fatness to the mixdown, making it very upfront and loud
speaking of the basses, they feel a bit weak and outdated. they have that... how do i describe it? "screechy", "phaser-y" quality, which was all the rage in like 2016 (see excision's "virus" lp) but is rather outdated now. as i understand it briddim nowadays relies on things like guns, sustains, and yoinks and growls in the fills. you can use youtube to look up what these all are :) anyways the basses also lack some high end texture and feel too boomy (i.e., too much low-low mids). so does the kick drum, i'd find something that's tighter and has a bigger transient
you mentioned ott, ott is a multiband compressor that compresses the three bands down and then upwards compresses them. in practical terms this brings out a lot of detail (especially in the high end), flattens the amplitude envelope, and often attenuates the midrange a bit. it's great for making basses more in-your-face and texturized. when using ott, usually the depth/amount (in xfer's version, the knob that should be on the top left) shouldn't be at 100%, usually 15-30% does the trick. also kilohearts disperser is great too and used a lot nowadays. you don't have to buy the plugin tho, a phaser with 100% wet will do the trick too.
so to recap: research some basses to use in briddim and how to create them (e.g., look up "gun bass tutorial" and so on), or get some samples, work on the mixdown fullness, and practice with using ott. gl!!